
Biblical Christian Manhood

This article intends to help believers see the truth given in Scripture and understand what authentic Christian manhood entails.


The Significance of Mother’s Day

My goal is not only to clarify why Christians celebrate Mother’s Day, but also to urge believers to acknowledge and value the godly impact of mothers in their lives, in accordance with Scripture’s teachings.

discipleship mentorship

Dangers of Backsliding and Apostasy in Christianity

As a pastor, I approach this vital subject with a heavy heart and a strong feeling of responsibility.


The Significance of the Virgin Birth

This article attempts to investigate why this event is so important to our Christian faith and how accepting its truth enriches our spiritual path.

discipleship mentorship

True Sonship in the Christian Faith

This article seeks to provide a thorough knowledge of what it means to be a true child of God, grounded in Scripture.

discipleship Theology

Beware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

This article will explore the significance of this warning and provide insights into how Christians might defend themselves from fraud.


Every Christian is a Theologian

In this article, I hope to unpack the scriptural grounding for this assertion, emphasising the importance of theological clarity in creating our faith and worldview.

discipleship Theology

How Do I Know I Am a Christian?

In this article, we shall explore the depths of Scripture to discover the fundamental truths that define authentic Christianity.

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God’s Perspective on Family

This article seeks to illustrate God’s perspective on family by relying on the richness of biblical wisdom.


The Essence of Church Discipline

This article will look at the biblical basis for church discipline and its importance in the functioning of the Church.

discipleship Theology

Avoid Bad Authors: A Call for Discernment in Christian Reading

This article examines the significance of discernment in Christian reading and offers advice on how to navigate the works of authors whose beliefs may not be consistent with true biblical doctrine.


Biblical Guidance for Unmarried Couples

This article dives into the Bible’s fundamental lessons for couples who are in a relationship but not married.

Classic Topics Theology

Embracing Theme-Based Ministry

My goal with this article is to illuminate the scriptural roots of this strategy and demonstrate its relevance and value to churches and Christian organisations worldwide.

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The Spiritual Concept of Watering in the Life of Believers

The topic of irrigation, as described in this article, is extremely important for our spiritual development and vitality.

mentorship Theology

The Indispensable Need for Sound Theology

My goal with this article is to highlight the significance of embracing solid theology and its tremendous ramifications for our spiritual path.

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God’s Displeasure: The Seven Things God Hates

This article seeks to illuminate one part of God’s personality: His disapproval with certain attitudes and acts.

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The Reality of Demons

In this article, I hope to shed light on the existence and activity of demons in our time, as well as provide scriptural insight into how believers might resist their power.

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The Pitfalls of “the Sinner’s Prayer” in Gospel Preaching

In this article, we will look at why I believe that relying entirely on the sinner’s prayer is not the best method, as well as propose Scripture-based alternatives.

discipleship mentorship

Understanding Gratitude in Christianity

This article will look at the meaning and practical implications of appreciation within the Christian religion.


The Crucial Message of Sin and Repentance: A Biblical Perspective for Contemporary Preaching

Introduction In a society full of competing ideologies and beliefs, the timeless message of sin and repentance remains a pillar of the Christian faith. This article seeks to investigate the significance of preaching on sin and repentance in current times, drawing on Scripture to demonstrate its relevance and necessity. The Urgency of the Matter The […]


Why I am a Dispensational Premillennialist

Dispensational Premillennialism provides not only a theological framework, but also a lens through which we can see the progression of God’s purposes throughout history and anticipate the fulfilment of His promises in the future.


“Jesus Loves the Sinner, Hates the Sin” Is A Flawed Theory

Our concept of God’s nature, love, and perspective on sin influences not only our theology, but also our worldview, relationships, and ultimate destiny.


The Case for Biblical Creationism in an Evolutionary World

This article aims to explain why Biblical conventional creationism is the best rational explanation for the origin of the cosmos.

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The Blessings of Fellowship on the Lord’s Day

This article will delve into the blessings of fellowship on the Lord’s Day, exposing the eternal truths contained in Scripture.

discipleship Theology

Understanding God’s Sovereignty and the Problem of Evil

This article seeks to disentangle the tangled strands of this theological conundrum, focusing on the assumption that God is the source of sin because He created everything.


The Responsibility of Young Pastors in Correcting Doctrinal Error

This article delves into this critical issue, asking if new pastors should remain silent or aggressively address such errors in light of biblical principles.

discipleship mentorship Theology

Apostatizing vs Backsliding

In the following paragraphs, we shall start on a journey of research and discovery, digging into the depths of apostasy and backsliding to unearth its causes, manifestations, and repercussions.

discipleship mentorship

Finding Clarity in Marriage: Discerning the Right Partner and Dealing with Regret

My goal in writing this article is to shed light on how to choose the correct partner based on biblical principles, as well as to offer advice to people who may find themselves in unhappy relationships.

Classic Topics discipleship mentorship

The Responsibility of Churches in Caring for Their Pastors

In this blog post, I hope to shed light on the biblical requirement for churches to care for their pastors, specifically in the context of Africa, with an emphasis on Zambia my beloved country.

discipleship mentorship Theology

The Significance of Sunday Worship in Biblical Christianity

This article aims to illuminate the reasons for Sunday worship by relying on the rich truths of biblical truth.


Divine Inspiration of God’s Word

My motivation for revealing the divine inspiration of Scripture derives from a genuine desire to see lives transformed, communities revitalised, and nations awakened to the reality of God’s redemptive love.

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Christian’s Overlooked Sins

I feel obliged to look deeper into the sins that frequently escape our attention as Christians. These are not only cultural blind spots, but critical components of our spiritual path that require illumination.

discipleship Theology

The Power of the Holy Spirit

In this article, we will take a journey through the revered pages of Scripture, following the Holy Spirit from the beginning of creation to the present day.

discipleship Theology

Understanding the Divinity of Jesus Christ

In a society full of varied ideas and ideologies, particularly those about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, it is critical that I shine light on this fundamental truth that serves as the foundation of Christianity.

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Seeking Genuine Connections

Another issue I am genuinely concerned about when I look at Christianity in Africa, in addition to the one I mentioned in my last blog article, is the widespread lack of meaningful connections among our Christian groups.

discipleship Theology

The Misconceptions of New Age Christianity in Africa

I am deeply troubled by the spread of what can only be defined as a twisted interpretation of Christianity. Find out why.

discipleship mentorship Theology

Children as Blessings and the Evil of Abortion

This article looks into the scriptural perspective, emphasising the divine view of the value of children and the seriousness of abortion as an act that contradicts God’s purpose for life.

discipleship mentorship Theology

The Transformative Power of God’s Infallible Word

This article delves into the profound impact of God’s infallible Word, exploring the richness of its teachings, the depth of its wisdom, and the transformative power it holds for those who engage with its sacred pages.

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Healing Broken Wounds through Christ

This article seeks to explore the transformative journey of healing shattered wounds through the redeeming power of Christ’s love.

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Transforming Lives, Building Community through Forgiveness

Let us take a trip into the heart of forgiveness, exploring its meaning and comprehending its transformational impact in our lives and communities.

discipleship mentorship Theology

The Husband’s Call to Love in Marriage

As we explore the complexities of the husband’s position, we will look at Ephesians 5:25-33, where the Apostle Paul explains the profound nature of a husband’s love and its impact on the sacred relationship.

discipleship mentorship Theology

Understanding Submission in Marriage Beyond Misconceptions

As we delve into the Scriptures, we will discover the underlying reasons for God’s established order in marriage, eliminating myths and providing light on the perfect harmony that exists inside this holy union.

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The Forerunner of Christ

As we dive into the life of John the Baptist, we meet a figure fashioned not by worldly praise, but by a purpose of unmatched significance: to prepare humanity’s hearts for the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah.

Classic Topics discipleship mentorship

The Blessings of Lord’s Day Fellowship

Introduction In the midst of our daily lives, the Lord’s Day emerges as a hallowed pause; an opportunity to assemble, contemplate, and revel in the benefits showered upon us. Sunday, the day set apart for Christian fellowship, is especially significant because it allows us to honour Christ and magnify His glory together. In this article, […]

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God-Given Leadership

Introduction Beginning the journey of God-given leadership is like unwrapping a precious gift. It’s about understanding why some people are born leaders and how others learn to lead on purpose. Consider a wonderful artwork in which each leader, whether born or trained, contributes a particular colour. In this inquiry, we will gain insights from timeless […]


The Sufficiency of Scripture

Introduction Christians frequently find themselves at a crossroads in a society that is changing quickly, full of conflicting ideologies and self-help philosophies, and they are looking for a trustworthy and steadfast guidance for the intricacies of life. The Bible, the inspired and infallible Word of God, is a timeless resource that many turn to in […]


Beyond Mortality: Life After Death

Introduction The mystery of what happens after one’s last breath is one of the great tapestries of human existence, where every heartbeat speaks the cadence of a brief earthly trip. It is an enigma that calls the soul into unknown territories. As we explore the core of Christian theology and lift the veil covering our […]

Classic Topics discipleship mentorship

Should Christians Celebrate Valentines Day?

Introduction Valentine’s Day is a worldwide event that honours love and affection. Is taking part in this cultural event consistent with our beliefs as Christians, obedient to God’s Word? Let us examine the origins of Valentine’s Day and what the Bible says about love, festivity, and devotion. The Origin of Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day has […]


Embracing Accountability as a Christian

Introduction When one sets out on a Christian journey, accountability is not seen as a burdensome duty but rather as a mysterious power that entices followers into a mesmerising circle of companionship and spiritual development. Beyond the exterior of regularity, accountability is pulsating with the common lifeblood of religion, as believers weave their lives together […]

discipleship mentorship

Best Opportunities for this Generation to Glorify God and Witness Christ

Introduction At the bright dawn of this age of technological wonders and global connectivity, the present generation is at the cusp of unimaginable divine potential. In a world where information is constantly flowing, cultures are colliding, and virtual worlds open doors to uncharted territory, there is a wealth of opportunity to live lives that exalt […]

discipleship Theology

The Divinity of Christ in the Gospel of John

This article delves into the intricate storyline of Apostle John, revealing the strands that come together to present Jesus as more than just a prophet or teacher; rather, as the entire essence of God revealed in human form.

discipleship mentorship Theology

The Transformative Power of Singing in Worship

Introduction In the fabric of worship, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs has a distinct and significant position. Beyond its musical expression, it is a potent channel for spiritual connection and transformation. This article looks into the theological grounds of worship singing, examining the scriptural foundations that show the practice’s significance. Singing as Spiritual Expression […]

mentorship Theology

The Essence of Love

Introduction Few threads are more tightly woven into the tapestry of Christian values than the concept of love. The Apostle Paul’s eloquent argument on love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-13 shines like a beacon, illuminating the road that Christians are called to take. Let us take a profound trip through these passages, revealing the layers of […]

discipleship Theology

Beyond the Numbers

Introduction “African Christianity is as wide as a river but shallow in depth,” a profound comment capturing a challenge facing the African Church. In the quest of church growth, the spotlight frequently focuses on numerical expansion rather than spiritual depth among its members. This has resulted in a society in which the number of a […]

discipleship mentorship

Nurturing Souls on the Path of Faith

Introduction Mentorship is a timeless thread woven with heavenly wisdom and human connection throughout the Christian life. Mentorship, which is based on biblical principles, is essential for guiding Christians on their spiritual journeys, supporting growth, and developing resilient communities. Let us go into the sacred scriptures to discover significant insights about mentorship and its value […]

discipleship Theology

Lazarus’s Resuscitation and Jesus Christ’s Resurrection

Introduction During a key occasion in my college class in 2015, I took my first steps into the domain of seasoned preaching. Our humorous lecturer, Omega, led a Bible Study lesson on norms of interpretation. As fate would have it, I found myself delivering my first sermon on the profound subject of Christ’s resurrection, drawing […]

discipleship Theology

Divine Inspiration of Scripture: God’s Infallible Word to Humanity

Introduction In our exploration of the profound character of Scripture, we will look at the concept of divine inspiration, understanding that the Bible is God’s revelation to humanity rather than a human invention. This supernatural inspiration is the foundation of the Bible’s infallibility, leading believers to a better comprehension of God’s Word. Understanding Divine Inspiration […]

Classic Topics mentorship

Embracing a Week of Grace

Introduction: A New Dawn of Purpose As the first light of Monday dawns, we are reminded that each day is a magnificent gift from our Creator. The start of a new week is more than just a continuation of routine; it is an opportunity for spiritual renewal and a renewed connection with our vocation in […]

Classic Topics discipleship mentorship

Hearts Prepared for Worship

Introduction On this holy Sunday morning, let us join our hearts and minds to create a beautiful symphony, a harmonious convergence of souls desiring to honor the Almighty. As we approach communal worship, may the cadence of our devotion be guided by Scripture’s ageless wisdom. In Ephesians 5:19, the Apostle Paul encourages believers to engage […]


The Pursuit of Eternal Truth

Introduction In its never-ending search for truth, humanity frequently consults science, philosophy, and spirituality. As Christians, we believe that ultimate truth transcends empirical findings and logical arguments. This article delves into the profound thought that the quest of truth is ultimately fulfilled in Christ and the divine wisdom revealed in sacred writings. The Limitations of […]

discipleship mentorship

Broadening the Scope of Ministry Through Effective Participation

Introduction The concept of effective participation is a fundamental thread in the Christian fabric, connecting the various skills and abilities within Christ’s body. As believers, our service extends far beyond the church doors, touching every aspect of life. The core of this interconnection is brilliantly captured in Ephesians 4:16, which states, “From whom the whole […]


Why Christians should understand their history

Introduction The history of Christianity is a rich and intricate tapestry that spans centuries, nations, and civilizations. Understanding this historical journey is critical for Christians because it not only reveals the origins of their faith, but also offers light on the challenges, successes, and doctrinal advances that have formed the Christian Church throughout the ages. […]

discipleship mentorship

Foundations of Godly Living: A Prelude to Godly Ministry

Introduction The call to serve God in ministry is frequently stressed in the Christian faith, but the importance of holy life is often disregarded. God sets a high importance on our obedience to a godly life, believing it a necessary prerequisite before engaging in ministry or service. This article goes into the significant significance of […]


Accepting God’s Love through Faith

Introduction Faith is the luminous thread that intricately weaves our link to God’s limitless love in the wonderful fabric of our spiritual walk. It is a thread that pierces the intricacies of theological ideas and addresses the fundamental questions of human existence. At its core, faith is a profound simplicity that invites all searchers, regardless […]

discipleship mentorship

The Revealing Joys of Pastoral Ministry

Introduction In the broad tapestry of ecclesiastical ministry, the pastoral office emerges as a spiritual calling that crosses cultural borders and resonates deeply within the African evangelical environment. The delights of being a pastor are inextricably linked to faithful stewardship of God’s word and the tremendous impact on congregational lives, both of which are founded […]


God’s Desire for Your Health: A Biblical Perspective on Well-being

Introduction Many look to their faith for direction and encouragement in their pursuit of a meaningful life. This path includes the pursuit of health and well-being as a major component. Biblical teachings state that God wants you to take care of your bodily health in addition to your spiritual wellbeing. Let us examine the biblical […]


The Importance of Biblical Doctrine in Church Growth and Spiritual Maturity

Introduction The unfailing Word of God serves as the foundational cornerstone for the church’s growth and development, guiding members on their road to maturity in Christ. This article investigates the theological relevance of sound theology, focusing on its impact on the growth of the church and the spiritual maturing of its members. Biblical Foundation of […]

discipleship mentorship

A Pastoral Transition Anchored in Faith

Introduction The current chapter highlights a dramatic transition from Chitemalesa to Lusaka’s Southern District in the delicate weave of pastoral life. This decision, however, was not made hurriedly; rather, it was the result of a month-long journey of conflict, contemplation, and passionate prayer. Much like the weight of Charles Spurgeon’s words; “A change is often […]

discipleship mentorship

Prayer and Fasting as Acts of Preparation, Purification, and Intimacy with God

Introduction Prayer and fasting have long been acknowledged as essential components of spiritual discipline, providing believers with a powerful avenue to get closer to God. These activities, which are based on the principles of preparation, purification, and intimacy, provide a unique chance to sacrifice fleshly wants for the enrichment of the Holy Spirit. Foundations of […]

discipleship Theology

Hell’s Reality: A Call to Salvation

Introduction The concept of hell has remained in the vast tapestry of existence, cloaked in mystery and horror, throughout the annals of human history. Whether it is Dante’s Inferno, old mythology, or religious ideologies, the idea of a tormented afterlife has captured our collective imagination. This investigation into the truth of hell is not intended […]

discipleship Theology

Using Spiritual Reading to Transform Your Life

Introduction Spiritual works occupy a unique place in the wide landscape of literature, functioning as beacons of wisdom, direction, and divine insight. As a devout Christian, I have set a goal of reading not only 100 books this year, but also delving into the precious treasure of the 66 books of the Bible; a long-term […]

discipleship Theology

A Journey into Discernment in Christ

Introduction In the complex terrace of faith, discernment shines like a bright beacon, guiding sincere believers through the rich tapestry of God’s Word. As we embark on this spiritual journey, we delve into the essence of discernment, unravelling its threads to discover the heavenly complexities that strengthen our bond with Christ. A Sad Reality in […]

discipleship Theology

Apostle, Who?

Introduction Step into a universe where questions reverberate and curiosity reigns supreme: a world asking “Apostle, Who?” Forget about the normal religious debates; this is a straightforward trip into understanding what apostleship means in our time. See a story in which the old and the new collide. Join me as we explore a story in […]

discipleship mentorship

A Spiritual Journey in the Stillness of Prayer and Fasting

Introduction Prayer and fasting were deeply woven into the fabric of our everyday life in the journey of my own Christian upbringing. These practices, which some regard as ancient, formed the foundation upon which my faith stood firm. This post aims to shed light on the enormous impact of prayer and fasting, urging fellow Christians […]

discipleship mentorship

Exploring the Divine Discipline of Praying and Fasting in the New Year

Introduction “To a true child of God, the invisible bond that unites all believers to Christ is far more tender, and lasting, and precious than all the ties of earth combined.” — Charles Haddon Spurgeon As the world awakens to the promise of new beginnings in the calm dawn of a new year, our hearts […]

discipleship mentorship

Embracing Gratitude: A Timeless Call for Christians in 2024

Introduction As we enter the bright future of 2024, our hearts are filled with the timeless call to thankfulness. For Christians, this appeal is more than a recommendation; it is a supernatural imperative rooted in God’s holy will. Gratitude pervades the pages of Scripture, forming a tapestry of knowledge that transcends time and appeals to […]

Classic Topics discipleship mentorship

Taking Hold of 2024: Revealing My Overcoming Philosophy

Introduction Greetings for the New Year, dear reader. As the first light of the new year illuminates our way, we find ourselves at the intersection of time and eternity, prepared for a journey that will transform our lives. Starting in 2024, my philosophy, a straightforward code of conduct drawn from the depths of sacred scripture, […]

Classic Topics mentorship

Embracing God’s Promises: A Reflection on 2023

Looking back at the chapters of 2023 from the edge of a new year, we find ourselves in the beautiful fabric of our lives, where joy and adversity are inextricably woven together. Psalm 23 contains a heartbreaking statement by David that strikes a deep chord: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” This […]

discipleship mentorship Theology

A Journey through 71 Spiritual Gems in 2023: The Transformative Power of Biblically Sound Christian Books

Introduction We are about to say goodbye to 2023, and I am incredibly grateful for the life-changing experience I had this year. Achieving the objective of reading all 66 Christian books that I had intended to, and finishing all the 66 books of Bible as well was no easy task. With God’s mercy, however, I […]


Harmony in the Home: Embracing God’s Design for Gender Roles

Introduction God, the divine architect, created a blueprint for harmony and order in the home within the complex fabric of existence. Comprehending the gender roles portrayed in the book of Genesis provides significant understanding of the intentional framework our Creator imposed. This investigation aims to highlight the beauty and value of every function that the […]


Embracing Spiritual Renewal: A Biblical Preparation Guide for 2024

Introduction As the curtain lowers on the final act of 2023 in the symphony of time, Christians find themselves on the verge of a new chapter; 2024 beckons with its unwritten pages, rich with possibilities. It is more than just a calendar shift; it is an opportunity for significant spiritual growth. As we prepare to […]


100-100 in Godly Relationships

Introduction The slogan “Happy Wife, Happy Life” has grown in popularity in a society where catchy phrases and quick-fix mantras are the norm, quietly perpetuating an unbalanced perspective on relationships. I feel compelled to confront the fallacies around this phrase, particularly among the youth of this century, as a longstanding mentor and Christian spiritual leader. […]

Classic Topics discipleship mentorship

Blessed Among Women

Introduction Among all the women in biblical history, Mary, the mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is one character that sticks out with an unmatched grace and significance. Her narrative, which is interwoven throughout the Old and New Testaments, transcends space and time and has a lasting impact on Christianity. Believers have a […]

discipleship mentorship

The Sacred Importance of Preaching in Worship

Introduction The pulpit is a sacred conduit that transcends the earthly bounds of ritual and tradition in the hallowed realm of worship, where believers congregate to seek divine connection with the Almighty Yahweh through His infallible Word. The resonance of the spoken Word pierces the silence of our souls as the sun rises on the […]

Classic Topics discipleship mentorship

The True Blessing of Christmas: Celebrating the Deity of Christ

Introduction As the world is embraced by joy and generosity throughout the holiday season, it’s important to consider the genuine meaning of Christmas, which is a celebration that extends beyond sparkling lights and beautifully wrapped presents. Recognising and honouring Christ’s Deity is the great blessing at the centre of this well-liked festival. Scripture contains the […]

discipleship mentorship Theology

The Heartache of Rejecting Christ: A Call to the Cross

Introduction Dear reader, welcome to a discussion about the serious and very emotional matter of seeing someone reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The grief that comes with such rejection is more than simply a personal heartache; it also represents the everlasting repercussions of a soul rejecting the grace and love provided at […]

discipleship Theology

The Unveiling Glory: Realizing the Deep Importance of the Birth of Christ

Introduction Something remarkable occurred in the serene darkness of Bethlehem’s night; it was the heavenly counterpart of a lovely, ageless song. This was no mere birth; this was the birth of Jesus, a moment that transcended the commonplace and entered the realm of the sublime. His birth story is a narrative that interweaves God’s boundless […]

discipleship mentorship

Harvesting Faith: A Rural Ministry Odyssey

Introduction Consider a narrative that began when I was 16 and was about God’s love. Imagine this voyage taking me to a place named Chitemalesa, where I act as a herald for my King, assisting others in understanding the excellent things in the Bible. I began preaching and teaching to people God’s Word in 2009, […]

Classic Topics discipleship Theology

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: A Timeless Beacon for Modern Preachers

Introduction I am currently reading Iain Murray’s biography while also reading every article I can find and viewing every documentary on the Doctor, the great expositor of God’s word in the pulpit and evangelist as such. One star stands out among the tapestry of twentieth-century preachers: D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Doctor Lloyd-Jones, who was born in […]

mentorship Theology

Teachers and Preachers for a New Generation

Introduction The need for effective and loyal teachers and preachers of God’s word is more urgent than ever in the ever-changing tapestry of time. As we traverse the challenges of the twenty-first century, we must take inspiration from the past and present luminaries who have left an everlasting impression on the hearts and minds of […]


The Minana’s Covenant Leadership Approach: Leading “the Group” with Purpose and Faith

Introduction The strands that run through a minister’s ministry are both ageless and timeless when it comes to Christian leadership. As a Pastor who has guided the faithful saints of the Lord as President of Overcomers Ministry and navigated the halls of theological academia and Pastoral Eldership of the church, I want to provide a […]

discipleship mentorship

Embracing the True Spirit of Christmas

Introduction The world is decked with dazzling lights, festive songs, and the distinct aroma of warmth and joy as December opens its icy embrace. There is a significant opportunity for meditation, thankfulness, and spiritual connection in the midst of this seasonal enchantment. In this article, we delve into the heart of December from a Christian […]

discipleship Theology

The Transformative Power of Grace: A Deep Dive into the Essence of God’s Unmerited Favor

Introduction There is a core premise that transcends time, society, and individual circumstance in the great expanse of Christian theology, where teachings open like flowers, exposing the subtleties of divine truth and the notion of grace. Grace, defined as God’s undeserved kindness toward unworthy humans, is a transformational energy that has the capacity to remodel […]

discipleship mentorship

Managing the Unsteady Seas of Faith

Introduction Fasten your seatbelts because we are about to set off on an incredible adventure into the unexplored territories of modern Christianity. We stand at the edge of a world where the peak of chaos threatens to overpower the sound of truth, eager to solve the puzzles that call to us. This is not just […]

Classic Topics

A Grateful Heart: Celebrating Another Year in the Light of His Word

Introduction Dear Beloved Readers, My heart is overflowing with thankfulness as I write these lines on my birthday and consider the chapters of my life’s journey on this anniversary of my birth. I am so grateful to our Heavenly Father for his unending love and mercy. This day is more than just a way for […]


Harvesting Plenty: A Theological Examination of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit’s Work

Introduction The Fruits of the Holy Spirit are the ripe and delicious food in the large orchard of Christian theology, ready to be picked by Christians who are eager to live a life that is in accordance with divine principles. As a theologian who has traveled the lush terrain of Scripture and explored the some […]


Embracing the Core: A Call to Prioritize Essential Doctrines in Protestant Christianity

Introduction Take a fascinating tour through the diverse range of Christian beliefs, where the fundamental ideas are beautifully woven into the fabric of our Protestant Christian religion. Ten essential ideas: direct revelations from the pages of the Bible: that constitute the firm basis of our theological system are contained within this hallowed tapestry. As followers […]

discipleship mentorship

Remarriage in the context of the Bible

Introduction Beloved brethren in Christ, let us examine the complex topic of remarriage through the perspective of scripture, attempting to unearth the profound knowledge found in God’s Word as we delve into the sacred teachings of the Bible. As followers of Christ, we must firmly ground our understanding of remarriage in the divine context provided […]

discipleship Theology

The Unshakable Security in Christ: A Biblical Perspective

Introduction As we go off on this adventure together, dear reader, allow me to invite you to explore the profound reality of our security in Christ with me. Our foundation, rooted in the promises of God’s Word, is unwavering in an unpredictable world. This article will examine a crucial doctrine from the perspective of a […]


Harmony in Holiness: Using God’s Word to Navigate Morality and Spirituality in Modern-Day Africa

Introduction The blending of spirituality and morality is woven into the complex fabric of Africa’s many cultures, where it is expressed as a subtle dance with the beat of everyday existence. For us Christians, the alignment of God’s Word with the current conversation about these issues is extremely important. This investigation explores the everlasting wisdom […]